ADHD Visual Picture Anology

My ADHD visual picture (analogy) will help you understand ADHD a little better.

If you have ever wondered what it is like to have ADHD, then I am going to break it down and either make it more confusing or really simple for you to get. Here is my ADHD analogy on a brain with ADHD.

A brain with ADHD is like a power ball lottery machine.

You have 55 balls bouncing around. If you pay attention, you will see a number randomly pop up on each of the balls.

One second it is there and then it is gone. You see another there, than gone. If you try to focus on all the numbers that pop up, you can't keep up with them.

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You will lose track of all the information bouncing around. Try calling out a number when you see it but as soon as it is gone stop. Call out the next one and when it is gone, stop.

ADHD is like that. There is information bouncing around in the brain. There are many different things popping up randomly at the same time. It is difficult to concentrate on just one. As soon as it is there and seen, it is gone and forgot about.

After a while, you may see it come up again. This is also why we say things randomly. The information for some reason pops back up when it wants and we just say it and then it is gone.

Want another analogy?

Check out my description of

ADHD and juggling.