ADHD Memory Tips

A person with a learning disability, like ADHD, could have memory deficits that affect the ability to recall something that is seen or heard. This may result in an inability to recall facts, names, passwords, and telephone numbers, even if such information is used regularly.

It is very difficult to function on a daily basis with a poor memory. It is difficult to do well in school, work a career, have healthy relationships, and all the other things I can't remember.

Read my ADHD inattention short story about my forgetfulness and going to the store.

Here are some memory tips that hopefully will help you remember. I also have some of my own tips towards the bottom of the page.

Memory Tips by JAN

This information was provided by the Job Accommodation Network Website.

  • Provide checklists to help remember job tasks
  • Use flowchart to describe steps to a complicated task (such as powering up a system, closing down the facility, logging into a computer, etc)
  • Safely and securely maintain paper lists of crucial information such as passwords
  • Prompt employee with verbal or written cues
  • Allow employee to use voice activated recorder to record verbal instructions
  • Provide additional training time on new information or tasks Provide refresher training as needed

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My Tips for a Better Memory

  • Use programs like MS Outlook (Tasks, calendar and reminders)
  • Use a pda or pda phone (set up task list and a calendar with reminders)
  • Write things down on paper and put it in your pocket (or some place you will check like under your cell phone lid)
  • Use sticky notes and put them in an obvious place that you will see
  • Use a good liquid vitamin and mineral supplement, like I do
  • Use Omega 3 supplement
  • Have a paper calendar hanging in the kitchen and write on it
  • Repeat things, to remember, to yourself, several times (how ever many times it takes to remember it) while looking at the words on paper
  • Let others know about your forgetfulness
  • Don't commit or make promises to anything when you know you will forget