ADHD in teenage girls

by Ali

Recently I figured out that my daughter has ADHD and she is 19 already. I feel guilty that I couldn't understand she had problem and I didn't admit her to a doctor or a consultant.
I am not sure how much of my opportunity to helping her is already lost, but now I am very curious to help her in her college and her future.
Has anyone else the same experience to diagnose a child at higher age and lost all the school years.

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Jul 27, 2011
ADHD in Teenage Girls
by: Deborah Merlin

I never had a label for myself growing up. It was not until my twin boys were 3 and a teacher told me they had ADHD. The first time I ever heard of it. When she described the the symptoms I laughed and said I had it too.
I had elevated levels of mercury in my body and was expose to the pesticide DDT growing up. I believed that is what caused my symptoms. My son's were exposed to my toxins prenatally.
It is a good idea for everyone to be tested for environmental toxins before starting a family and detox if necessary. Drugging the children with stimulants and other drugs is not the answer. To learn more go to my website.

Jul 27, 2011
I wasn't diagnosed until age 60! lol
by: Anonymous

Don't ever feel guilty about something like that. I was only diagnosed this year at age 60, and I had wonderful, loving parents who made sure our needs were met. Girls often are not diagnosed as readily as boys. They tend to suffer in silence and don't always exhibit restless-type symptoms so obvious in boys. If I hadn't gone into a crisis, I guess I would never have known for sure what was wrong with me. I'm taking low dose Adderall, which was a bit worrisome in the beginning, even though it makes me feel so normal. I notice, if I'm busy and don't take my medication, toward late afternoon, I'll start feeling anxious, and the only time I ever experience anxiety these days is when I don't take my medication. It didn't take me long to get over the stigma I had about taking amphetamine, the results were so positive. I've started taking mineral supplements, as suggested by our host, T.J., and they have made a world of difference, also. Life is getting very good in my old age! The extreme anxiety is what made me seek help. I had so much stress in my life that my coping mechanisms were way overtaxed, and I was truly in trouble, literally unable to sleep more than an hour or two every other day. I was in a constant state of fight of flight and feared for my health. I knew I was in serious trouble. Now, I'm sleeping like a baby and feel much more relaxed.

Jul 26, 2011
I wasn't diagnosed till late
by: TJ Chambers

I was diagnosed right before my 18th birthday. It makes sense of all the problems that I had in life and in school.

Its not an abnormal thing to figure out what is going on later in life because you may not realize that there is a problem.

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