ADHD Signs, Signs of ADHD

When looking for ADHD signs and symptoms, you want to know what exactly to look for. You can look over the ADHD symptom checklist for signs of ADHD in children or adults on my ADHD assessment checklist page.

The ADHD questionnaire on that page will help you examine the ADHD signs and see if there is reason to believe that ADHD is present.

So, print that page out and make notes on it. If you decide to go for a diagnosis, you can take that page with you to the doctor. You will be a step ahead if you do that.

The ADHD questionnaire and ADHD symptom checklist for children and adults come from the criteria of the DSM IV, which lists all the signs of ADHD.

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To learn more about the DSM IV criteria, visit the ADHD symptoms page. This will give you a good understanding of the different types of signs to look for. Most people think that it is easy to spot someone with ADHD because they are hyperactive. There is another type of ADHD and the person is not hyperactive. They may be reserved and very shy.

Now you see why it is important to review the ADHD symptoms page along with having the ADHD assessment checklist page.

There are many cases where people are misdiagnosed. They look like they have ADHD but it was something else. I know of at least 1 child that was diagnosed as ADHD and he really wasn't. The sad thing is that he was on medication for ADHD. He was on a stimulant called Adderall.

He has a violent streak in him and stimulant medications is the worse thing to give someone like that. I personally feel it shouldn't be given to anyone.

Stimulants cause psychosis and depression and other conditions. This is why I want to help you make the right choices. Everyone needs to be safe, happy, and healthy.