Effects of Mercury and Fluoride and ADHD and Autism

by TJ Chambers

This video discusses the dumbing down of America with mercury. It talks about mercury that is in a preservative in vaccine shots and what it does to children.

It also discusses fluoride that is put into the water and products like toothpaste. I had a conversation yesterday with my sister about it. I said to her, have you ever noticed that fluoride is listed as a poison and if you swallow toothpaste you have to call poison control? How can this be healthy for us? Its not, its a lie that is pushed through false studies.

One of the men in this video says that a study on test animals showed that fluoride caused symptoms similar to ADHD in these animals.

Don't believe the lies about chemicals and heavy and how they don't have negative effects or that they are healthy for you.

Just remember how God gives things to us and that is what our body needs and can use.

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Dec 24, 2012
Give me proof!
by: Jagdwolf

I need proof in medical documents so I can bring criminal charges against the city commishion where I live. The not only stopped a petition drive but also interfered with the petition.

We need to prove this issue so I can bring charges. This will be the only way to stop them because cities get BIG money (which I have proof of) from the government to have these social programs for the under priviliaged. This money is to the tune of $21 Million a year! Tax payers money to poison our children.

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