Help for my son on ADHD medications

by Coby
(Wyoming, USA )

My son was diagnosed with adhd at age five, he is nine now. This fall he was having problems with a crash off of daytrana so was switched to metadate cd since the switch he has gained 15 pounds, I'm really worried because he is very active and has no appetite. I only have him two days a week and his mom insists that he is off it those days as they are weekend days. By the next morning I have him he acts starved and could eat all day. I feed him good snacks such as fruits and vegetables,cheese , so on and so forth. Any advise for me would be appreciated.

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Jan 23, 2017
Hope this helps
by: Lorna

Hi sounds early for a true dx. Make sure he is tested every two years.
After many years of Concerta which worked ok but stopped my son's appetite during the day, we have now switched to Adzenys XR ODT, dose equivalent to the Concerta as there are a few choices. My son is now 15 and finally setteled. Another thing, I too used to stop meds during the weekend but found that the Monday restart was always a huge adjustment and yes the appetite was ravenous during the off days. Remember there is no built in or acquired stop mechanism in these children..

Talk to your doctor you may have to do your own research and try a few different medications before you find the right one for your son. Be patient. Get feedback from teachers about what is going on during the day. Make sure your child is not over or undermedicated. Summer is best time to change medication as you can observe what happens during the day. Difficulty is that he is not always with the same parent so views may be different. Good luck on your journey

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