help with adult son with adhd
by bryn
my 26 year old son was only diagnosed when he was 20 after getting in trouble with the police, whilst in hospital after being injured by the officer, his adhd was reconised by a nurse, we first had concerned about him from the age of 2 but let down by doctors, teachers etc.
he has never been been medicated because he can not take ritalin or concerta, my problem at the moment is that he is easily manipulated against me by the mother of his son and he seems to have a false memory, ie he tells people that i used to beat him and i made him sleep in a shed, both completely untrue.
can anyone explain this as i find it very distressing as i'm the one he turns to when he messes up, ie when he was made homeless and sleeping in an alley way when it was snowing, i took him in for more than a year.