Liquid Vitamin and Omega 3

by Sylvia Patterson
(San Jose, Costa Rica)

I have a 9 year old who presents adhd and asperger's. He started to take Concerta at age of 7, and at age of 8 I started to give him a vitamin supplement because he does not eat all the kind of foods he should. I didn't know that it was a relation between the vitanmins and the adhd, until today. I had stopped giving him the vitamins by the en of last year because I run out of them and I had forgotten to buy him more. Today I received an e-mail from an advertiser of vitamins for adhd and I remember that I have stopped giving my son the vitamins and my son's concentration have gone down the hill this year and didn't know why. I live in Costa Rica and I cannot find a vitamin supplement specially made for adhd here. I bought him today as well Omega 3 but I do not know how much he can take. If you could answer this for me I would appreciate it that. I am hoping he gets back on track now. And another thing I am curious to know is that if your liquid vitamins have a smell. Thank your, Sylvia Patterson.

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Apr 10, 2011
Its all in 1 product
by: TJ Chambers

Those things you listed are all in the same product. So for an adult, I recommend at least 2 ozs a day of the 1 liquid vitamin and mineral product.

Sep 24, 2010
Liquid Vitamins/ADHD
by: RFM

Hello! I just reviewed the recommended liquid vitamin list posted from TJ Chambers and I have a question. The article listed the following products: Proprietary Trace Mineral Blend, Antiox Propietary Blend, HeartPro Proprietary Blend, and Collamax Proprietary Blend.

Question: Was he recommending take 1-2 ozs a day from all 4 of the products listed or choose one of the 4 products taking 1 to 2 ounces?

My 20 year old son has ADHD and is in college. Another friend of his recommended adderall...but I wanted to try something more natural. I also have a younger son (12) that is showing signs. So if I can find a good vitamin that will assist...this will be a big help.


Apr 14, 2010
Liquid Vitamin and Mineral Supplement
by: TJ

Hi Sylvia,

Supplements specifically for ADHD are a problem. They don't address the whole body. Its more of a marketing tactic to get people to buy.

Here a course on supplements I put together Supplement course.

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