On Adderall for 4 months now....

by Eddie
(Hollywood Hills, CA, USA)

I take adderrall xr 10mg twice daily, although it is a low dosage I do feel the effects shortly after my first dosage. Like the article above states, there are good and bad effects of adderrall. i dont want to say it is a miracle drug, but you have to see for yourself if it works for you.

My life before adderall: Struggling to get tasks done throughout the day, I am a entrepreneur and usually multitask 10-15 items per day, as well as being a single parent to two beautiful children (8 and 10). I found myself getting only 3-4 hours of sleep a night to keep up with all the duties and tasks.

My life with adderrall: My day is prioritized in my mind, I have a goal each and every day and I find myself finishing what i started. What use to take me 3 hours to do I find myself completing these tasks in half the time as well as finishing my work by the end of the business day. Another great thing is that it has helped me remember things that people tell me and i dont forget until it is done. I feel like I have more energy and I am working about 4X faster than I was working before. What people have said not knowing I am on Adderrall: noticed I am to the point with things, not taking my time to talk to people, my eyes look large, I speak clearly but very quickly, you are so full of energy. Ok, do you really want people to know you are on this drug, the decision is yours.

The Cons: Very very very dry mouth (cotton mouth)... I literally carry a case or two of bottled water in my trunk and go through 5-7 bottles a day if I am out in the field, or 8 glasses when I am at work not including the 5-7 more I will have while at home... so be prepared to drink lots of water.. which is really good for you anyway. The next noticeable thing is... my gastrointestinal system is off... i sometimes feel like i have a bloated belly and at times i get constipated... however this week it is the diarrhea..

so there is no telling what it is week to week.... i have been dealing with this for the past month and a half. Another thing is I pick my nails on my hand and tend to chew on my fingers... not very professional of a person in my career position. If you are OCD watchout... you will find things in your home just dont sit well or needs to be repositioned for that perfect look.

Overall the drug to me is worth the risk. I am nearing my 40's and I have never felt like the way I feel now, almost like I have a new life or things around me are just working now when before it seemed like it never did.

If you think you want to try this drug, I know it can only be sold by prescription, however in todays world it is easy to obtain prescription drugs.... so please always go to your physician first and let him/her know... this is a serious medication and should not be taken lightly, however it works for me.

Also if you take over the counter medication, please consult with your physician.... I was going through a weight lifting program at the gym and was suggested a supplement to help give me more energy and build muscle mass, this supplement along with adderall was damaging my kidneys which was the onset of my diarrhea, so please always consult with your precsribing physician if you are taking any other meds wether over the counter or just a simple vitamin, it is best to let them know everything.

I hope this information will be helpful to you.

Just remember to always keep your doctor informed of your changes.

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Mar 17, 2010
by: Anonymous

Always look at what they gain from telling us the downsides, trying to get us to stop taking it.

try to realize you might be a junkie
This stuff is Addictive.

Oct 24, 2009
Where is the prove ?
by: Anonymous

So many bad things about adderall is said but yet
all I've experienced is positive achievements from it.
Can someone provide a prove or back up to all these claims about people dying from Adderall and all the heart diseases and strokes that supposedly people are having because of Adderall?
Where are these people and what are their names if there are any ??? Howcome we don't have parents suing the manufacturer or protesting to the FDA their kids illnesses and death from Aderall ???
Please I would like to see the prove,i don't want to take somthing that's going to kill me but at the same time me and lots of other people that I know of are taking it and have never had or have any health issues whatsoever.
We need a prove please.

Oct 24, 2009
Where is the prove ?
by: Anonymous

So many bad things about adderall is said but yet
all I've experienced is positive achievements from it.
Can someone provide a prove or back up to all these claims about people dying from Adderall and all the heart diseases and strokes that supposedly people are having because of Adderall?
Where are these people and what are their names if there are any ??? Howcome we don't have parents suing the manufacturer or protesting to the FDA their kids illnesses and death from Aderall ???
Please I would like to see the prove,i don't want to take somthing that's going to kill me but at the same time me and lots of other people that I know of are taking it and have never had or have any health issues whatsoever.
We need a prove please.

May 20, 2009
Me Too!
by: Anonymous

I really like your post! I have had the exact same experience. It's so exciting to hear other people that understand the wonderful transition that occurs when you get help!

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