A mother shares her experience with her son and trying to find something to help his symptoms and behavior issues.
She said doctors have been trying to put him on medication since he was 3 years old but she didn't want to do that. She has tried many different things but everything she tried had no effect. She decided to give CBD oil a try. In this video she shares some information but also askes her son some questions.
Listen to what she says in this video.
Disclaimer: There isn't a guarantee you or your child will experience the same results as this is their personal experience. The FDA has not evaluated or approved this product or CBD Oil to cure or treat or prevent any diseases or disorders. If you learn more about the product I am recommending and purchase it from me, I will earn a commission.
She askes him if he had a good day and why he thinks he did. His response was that he had a good day and the reason is because of the "oil" (organic hemp cbd oil) that makes him calm. She askes him what his day would be without the oil. He says he would be fighting and throwing stuff in his class but with the oil, he doesn't have problems or get in trouble at all.
He askes her for the oil and she admits that at times, she forgets to give it to him. She is happy with something that finally helps her son.
Story of a boy and his mother that talk about how organic cbd oil helps his ADHD and bipolar disorder symptoms.
Story of a boy and his mother that talk about how organic cbd oil helps his ADHD symptoms and behavior problems.
Story of how organic cbd oil helps boys with autism.
Hemp cbd oil helps 9 year old boy with focus and school problems.
CBD oil helps 7 year old boy with ADHD, Autism, ODD, and sensory processing disorder.