ADHD Helpful Organizational Skills Tips

Organizational Skills:

A person with a learning disability, like ADHD, may have difficulty getting organized or staying organized.

  • Help employee reduce clutter in work area
  • Hire a professional organizer
  • Use color-code system to label or identify materials Use calendars (paper, electronic, or both) to remind of deadlines, meetings, upcoming tasks
  • Build organization skills by attending time management workshops, like those offered by Franklin Covey
  • Build organization skills through self-education at sites like
  • Build "catch up" time into work week or work day

This information was provided by the Job Accommodation Network Website.

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Organization is not one of my best skills. I could have a great organization ability but I don't want to put my focus on it. I lose my desire to organize things quickly.

I remember a time I organized my desk. I had folders labeled and nicely organized. It collected dust and I had papers all over my desk.

Instead of working on my organizational skills, I would rather play a video game or searching the web. At least that is stimulating.

I could be organized but I just don't care to. When I push my self to be patient and focus on organizing, I do it very well. When I get stuck on details of where to put things, I can call on my wife to help me. She is very organized. Just what I need.