Relavent, probably common, questions about Adderall

by Patrick
(Little Rock)

Hi, I am 21 and just began taking Adderall a little over a month ago. I take extended release, 20 mg capsules. The worst side effect is feeling hot at times, particularly in my upper-body. My head sometimes feels like there is more pressure there than any other part of the body. I know this kind of language can seem troubling but it's not as bad at it seems when written. I do want to make sure that I take care of myself though. What are some foods in particular that I could eat in order to combat the negative effects of Adderall? Are there any? I want to discover any types of food which are great for the brain.

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Jan 19, 2011
No, food wont counteract
by: TJ Chambers

Hi Patrick,

It is good that you are eating healthy things but its not going to counteract what the medications are doing.

The medications are injuring your body and now not only does your body have to maintain itself and repair itself from the toxins and other things happening, it now has to fight with the medications and repair what the medications are doing.

This is a constant attack and your body isn't going to be able to keep up.

Jan 18, 2011
One more thing
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much for your response. I wanted to let you know that I eat rather healthy (no junk food, lots of vegetables, beans, drink plenty of water) and I don't take it on weekends. What kind of impact do you think this may have?

Jan 18, 2011
Relavent, probably common, questions about Adderall
by: Deborah Merlin

Adderall is a dangerous drug, especially for long term use. It restricts the heart muscle which can lead to premature heart disease and heart attacks/strokes. If you can see a naturopath doctor (ND). Consider looking into the cause of your symptoms. Diet? Heavy Metal toxicity? Amino acid deficiency? Check out my website for more info.

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